

孙楠楠 副教授





         1、2018 年获“宿迁市创业创新领军人才

         2、2015Duane F. Bruley 奖     ISOTT 2015

         3、2013Dietrich W. Lubbers       ISOTT 2013

         4、2013年轻科学家奖       ISOTT 2013












          1、发明专利 发明人 “一种开放式数控系统人机界面可定制的组态设计方法 CN104731584B   20年

          2、实用新型  发明人 “一种分段式废料车   CN204978754U   10年

          3、外观专利  设计人  雕刻机    CN305820822S   10年

          4、外观专利  设计人  雕刻机(1390)  CN305820825S   10年



          1. Nannan Sun, He N. Xu, Qingming Luo, Lin Z. Li. Potential indexing of the invasiveness of breast cancer cells by their mitochondrial redox ratios. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2016, 923:121-7(SCI收录,第一作者

          2. Nannan Sun, Weihua Luo, Lin Z. Li, Qingming Luo. Monitoring hemodynamic and metabolic alterations during severe hemorrhagic shock in rat brains. Academic Radiology. February 2014, 21: 2.(SCI收录,第一作者

          3. Hua Shi,Nannan Sun,Avraham Mayevsky, Zhihong Zhang, Qingming Luo. Preclinical evidence of mitochondrial NADH as an effective alarm parameter under hypoxia conditions. Journal of Biomedical Optics. January 2014, 19(1): 17005. (SCI收录,并列第一作者

          4. Hua Shi, Nannan Sun, Avraham Mayevsky, Zhihong Zhang, Qingming Luo. Early identification of acute hypoxia based on NADH fluorescence and cerebral blood flow. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 2014, 8 (2): 1450033 8.(SCI收录,第二作者

          5. Nannan Sun, Lin Z. Li, Weihua Luo, Qingming Luo. Cerebral hemodynamic changes and metabolic alterations in sever hemorrhagic shock. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2014, 812:217-23. (SCI收录,第一作者

          6. Lin Z. Li,Nannan Sun. Autofluorescence perspective of cancer diagnostics. Natural Biomarkers for Cellular Metabolism: Biology, Techniques, and Applications. Vladimir Ghukasyan, Ahmed A. Heikal (eds). 2014, invited paper.

          7. Lin Z. Li, Loet Leydesdorff, Shoko Nioka, Nannan Sun, Eugene Garfield. Citation analysis of the scientific publications of Britton Chance in ISI Citation Indexes. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 2014, 7(2): 1430003.SCI收录,第四作者

          8. Nannan Sun, Weihua Luo, Anle Wang, Qingming Luo. Quality evaluation method for rat brain cryofixation based on NADH fluorescence. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2013, 789:435-40.SCI收录,第一作者

          9. Lily Moon, Nannan Sun, Lin Z. Li. Preliminary investigation on the spatial distribution of the metabolic state in tissue by the Chance redox scanner. China Medical Devices June 2013, 26(6): 1-7.




